Article 6 This Law shall be applicable to anyone who commits a crime within the territory and territorial waters and space of the People's republic of China, except as otherwise specifically provided by law. 第六条凡在中华人民共和国领域内犯罪的,除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用本法。
Article 107 Civil liability shall not be borne for failure to perform a contract or damage to a third party if it is caused by force majeure, except as otherwise provided by law. 第一百零七条因不可抗力不能履行合同或者造成他人损害的,不承担民事责任,法律另有规定的除外。
Except as otherwise provided by law. 法律另有规定的除外。
Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation, when handling the offering and sale of offshore funds, the enterprises and personnel thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential all personal information, transaction information, and other relevant information of investors in offshore funds. 前项事业及其人员于办理境外基金募集及销售业务时,对于境外基金投资人之个人数据、往来交易数据及其它相关数据,除法令另有规定外,应保守秘密。
The book have not yet is audit. A company may not keep accounting Books and records other than those provided by law. 这些帐册还未被审计。公司除法定的会计帐册外,不得另立会计帐册。
The seller is obligated to warrant that the buyer will be free from any third party claim against it in respect of the subject matter delivered, except otherwise provided by law. 出卖人就交付的标的物,负有保证第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利的义务,但法律另有规定的除外。
The care welfare is very important to the life of senior citizens, which should be provided by law as "social responsibility," so as to meet their need for the care welfare. 老年人生活护理作为老年人基本生活的重要组成部分,通过法律由“社会责任”承担,以满足老年人生活护理的福利需求。
This authorization is valid until the end of the next annual general meeting of the shareholders, or the expiry of the term of holding the next annual general meeting of the shareholders as provided by law, whichever is the earlier. 本项授权持续有效至下次股东周年大会结束为止,或法律规定须要举行下次股东周年大会的期限届满为止,以较早者为准。
The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. 本协议规定的权利和补救是累积的,且不排斥法律规定的任何其他权利和补救。
Mediations, and arbitrations provided by law; 调解行为以及法律规定的仲裁行为;
Any other circumstance provided by law occurs. 法律规定的其他情形。
Article 42 A public procurator who is dismissed shall be removed from the post in accordance with the procedures as provided by law. 第四十二条辞退检察官应当依照法律规定的程序免除其职务。
Other situations where the person is not eligible for the position of legal representative as provided by law and the state council. 有法律和国务院规定不得担任法定代表人的其它情形。
A party who was unable to perform a contract due to force majeure is exempted from liability in part or in whole in light of the impact of the event of force majeure, except otherwise provided by law. 因不可缺力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。
Custody of property shall include seal-up, distrain, freezing and other measures provided by law. 财产保全采取查封、扣押、冻结或者法律规定的其他方法。
To perform other functions and duties as provided by law. 法律规定的其他职责。
Monitoring political parties compliance with party financing regulations and in cases provided by law, cPCB is authorized to charge with liability and impose appropriate punishment. 监察各政党,确保其遵守政党资助规则;在符合法律规定的情况下,cpcb有权提出检控,并对有关人士施以适当处罚。
Title to the subject matter passes at the time of its delivery, except otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties. 第一百三十三条标的物的所有权自标的物交付时起转移,但法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。
The company is declared bankrupt as provided by law; 公司被依法宣告破产;
Except as otherwise provided by law, these rights shall be considered not mutually exclusive. 除非法律另有明确规定,否则,这些权利应被视为可以并行不悖。
A company may change its Business scope by amendments to its articles of association in accordance with procedures provided by law and after changing its registration with the company registration authority. 公司依照法定程序修改公司章程并经公司登记机关变更登记,可以变更其经营范围。
The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law, on the general property of the debtor. 工资优先权是指根据法律的直接规定,劳动者因从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权,就债务人的一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。
Its basic principles ars as follows, the principle of crime and penalty provided by law; 《刑法》的基本原则有:罪刑法定原则;
It is the time limit provided by law. 还有一种认为是法律上的期限。
In other words, the parties have the right to establish freely the legal relationship between them beyond the fixed mode provided by law. It is a full expression of autonomy, and its legitimacy should be recognized by law. 也就是说,当事人有权摆脱法律所提供的固定模式而自由的建立相互之间的法律关系,是意思自治的充分体现,法律应当承认其合法地位。
It is mainly provided by law and is a political rule. 它主要由法律所规定,是一种政治规则。
In terms of Formal examination, it is the corporate registration authority that should be responsible for the integrity and form legality of related documents, and unless otherwise provided by law, the applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of the material. 形式审查主义认为公司登记机关对要求登记事项及相关文件的完整性、形式合法性负审查责任,除法律另有规定外,材料的真实性由申请人负责。
In the face of this demand, the initial methods provided by law was monopoly and franchise as well as other ways from public law, however, this kind of protection has obvious disadvantages. 面对这种需求,法律最开始是通过垄断权、特许权等公法方式对知识产品给予保护的,但这种保护方式弊端明显。
At the same time provided by law fair and just principles are realized in the impeachment proceedings. 同时法律所规定的公平、公正等原则也在弹劾程序中得到实现。